Pavilion to cover a wind farm.

Pavilion to cover a wind farm.

This pavilion was a great challenge as, due to its location, it is exposed to very adverse weather conditions such as wind and snow. Thus, this warehouse measuring more than 220 meters long was designed with a reinforced truss structure in order to store wind turbine blades, the metal sections for the turbine towers, and all the construction machinery. In addition, a climate control system, lighting, and sectional doors were included to facilitate access to, and use of, the pavilion.
To give a perspective of the magnitude of this industrial pavilion, the diameter of the blades of the world’s largest wind turbine (HaliadeX12MW from General Electric) is exactly the length of this demountable building. Although the 260m support would not currently fit, it would only be necessary to extend this industrial building which, in addition to being demountable, offers a perfect modular design to adapt the building to new wind turbine models as required by the location of the wind farm.

Technical Data

Side height:

9 m


6600 m2




Standard membrane



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